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How can a startup raise funds?

How can a startup raise funds?

Startups can raise funds through different means, including pitching to angel investors, venture capitalists, crowdfunding, applying for bank loans, and availing themselves of government schemes. A well-planned fundraising strategy can help startups secure the capital they need help to Startup

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Forms Required For Company Incorporation

Forms Required For Company Incorporation

Company incorporation offers a host of benefits, including protecting owners, establishing a professional image, reducing taxes, raising capital, and ensuring the longevity of the business. These advantages make it a worthwhile investment for aspiring entrepreneurs looking to establish.

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Behavioral Finance

Behavioral Finance

Behavioral finance is a field of finance that seeks to understand how psychological factors, such as emotions, biases, and cognitive errors, affect financial decisions and markets. It is the study of the intersection between human behavior and financial markets

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How to Incorporate a Startup?

How to Incorporate a Startup?

Incorporating a startup involves registering it as a legal entity with the relevant government authority. The process typically includes several steps, such as choosing a business name, selecting a legal structure, filing necessary paperwork, and obtaining licenses and permits.

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